The Sexy Cosmos
We are literally stardust. Stars explode, some of the heavier ones bursting into supernovas, and it all falls to earth where it showers over us, the plants we eat, the air we breathe, and the water that takes up most of our physical being. This happened millions of years ago, and it continues on forever. Our bodies are in a constant state of regeneration. We are made up of the same, old as the universe stuff that kids dream about when they look up into the night. Ask any astrophysicist. As a matter of fact, there's a book one of them wrote with his wife called Living With The Stars. They explore the logistics of how we genuinely mirror the natural world. And it's amazing.
Now take one step forward to how are compounds are formed. The highly volatile sodium, for example, is present in dying stars and even sometimes used a a "tracer" to study them. It falls to earth, eventually seeping into the ground and everything else. Sodium possesses an extra electron on its body which results in a huge explosion whenever it hits water. Chlorine, also unstable due to its lack of an electron, is bouncing around from element to element, looking for stability. It can combine with many, but wants just that one. When these two molecules find each other and connect, an extraordinary thing happens. Their opposite charges attract and form the magic of salt, completely balancing each other and calming down volatile and poisonous actions.
This is happening on every level of the Universe and within our bodies as we breathe. We are living, walking copies of a constant dance to regenerate and decay. We move colossal volumes of energy with every thought we burn, generating an erotic flow of perpetual constitution. This impulse is a sensual affair with creation. It is the most powerful force that exists. Sensuality is an energy that imitates the creative forces of our Universe, yet we seem to do everything we can to find fault in it.
The general consensus in dealing with sensuality is to slut shame women, or to emasculate men for being sensitive to these instincts and connected to the galaxy. We cannot stand to see anyone embracing their sexual nature, or defying the tradition to remain stoic and constantly focused on work and production. This works to separate us from each other and from our natural world to an unhealthy extent. This confusion stemming from a need to control each other creates chaos, and we become the ones bouncing around, searching desperately for that missing electron. There are over 4,000 religions in the world, each one sporting its own rule book for how and when and why we should feel anything in regards to each other. Moral standards, created by man and relentlessly changing with our ongoing society, demand we follow blueprints that don't even make sense before everyone decides to believe in them in an attempt to escape punishment. Trying to control people's emotions and natural feelings is a losing battle. (And I'm not talking about the act of sex; I'm speaking of feelings, which are not actions.) Shaming and guilt-based manipulation drives true feelings & honesty so far down inside they eventually blow up in some unstable way and cause the damage we're all afraid of. You cannot contain one of the oldest and most magnificent forces that exists. It lives for a reason. We are literally trying to organize the chaos of something too big for us to even comprehend, simply out of some fear based in society's norms. We're fighting against what's natural, and making up our own version of reality. I feel a strong sense of sadness when witnessing abuse that surrounds this limited logic. It looks like a mass obsession. And there is so much more to the world and to life than an obsession.
There is so much wrong with the idea that choosing to live pleasurably is irresponsible. By living pleasurably, I mean allowing ourselves more time for relaxation and recreation than we currently do. I mean allowing ourselves to love our world. Most of us feel guilty for not keeping ourselves productively busy from morning 'til night. We've developed a life for ourselves that produces the highest and most unnecessary levels of stress there can be. It's killing us, and not even that slowly anymore.
There is the idea that we could very well be killing ourselves off as we mentally evolve, since it happens much faster than our physical evolution. We're stubborn and so focused on deciding what's morally acceptable and not so, and we have a tendency to blow it out of proportion. So, what happens when we worry?
There is a bigger chance that you develop anxiety from environmental situations than from hereditary sources. It's rare that anyone is born with anxiety. We develop stress from our surroundings, and that then influences genetics. Cognitive structuring is the way the brain develops over time. Reactions to our environment is recorded in the brain, telling us what to fear. Those fears can eventually be triggered, causing anxiety.
Anxiety is, most simply explained, adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. And practicing a behavior over a period of time becomes automatic. With every thought, we're restructuring our own neural pathways and setting off chemicals. You are the controller of your own reactions to life in this regard. The reasons for the release of these three hormones are very important. Norepinephrine is discharged when we feel arousal of any type. This makes us more alert. Adrenaline is the action, and is usually referred to as the fight or flight hormone. Cortisol is then released to maintain homeostasis. In a perfect world, this works beautifully. But we live in a world that demands more from us than these hormones can systematically handle. And we're the ones who built it.
An overproduction of adrenaline is rare, but the consistency in which we produce these hormones together on a daily basis is what's killing us. We do it too often in order to counteract our society's pressures. This causes most ailments, like obesity, high blood pressure, mood swings, and dehydration. It throws the balance of our bodies off course and sets up a foundation for disease later. This is a major reason why we need to re-evaluate our lifestyles and our need to work constantly.
There is no concrete solution to this, but we can shift our lifestyles just enough to bring ourselves back into balance. And one of those ways is to stop trying to separate ourselves from the Universe and sensuality. Of course, that sounds hokey, because in addition to shaming each other for embracing our sensuality, we've also decided it's ridiculous for anyone to experiment with the idea of a more connective relationship with the natural world. A lot of us have categorized the terms used to explain this under the division of Bullshit. Think about these words; spiritual, new age, Universe, attunement, and cosmic consciousness. We tend to associate them with feeble and airheaded, naïve characters who are too doped up to make any sense. It's a shame, because experimental musing and contemplation is what makes us change and progress. You can't have a functional, tangible new idea without that first chaotic seed. There is no need to ridicule anyone for being brave enough to explore the sustainment of their own happiness.
Once we've begun to wrap our heads around this radical idea, it naturally follows to become more sensitive to our cosmic surroundings. It is possible to revisit the abilities we once had years ago; to be more conscious of the language of pheromones, quicker to understand more subtle actions, and able to instinctively hunt down what we desire. At this level, there comes a more real connection to the natural, quite real, world. And here it gets just a little more seductive.
Who has an easier time of getting what they want and need in life? Those with money? Not necessarily. It's been clearly proven that those who are attractive have an easier go at it all. Let me explain my idea of attractive in this regard.
While physical symmetry and good looks absolutely do play a big part in attraction, the lack of those things can be made up with other devices. People gravitate towards people they want to be like. If you display a sense of proportionate confidence, skill and compassion, you will draw in the loyal affection of others. When you top that off with a strong and healthy dose of sensuality, you have the power to knock it out of the park.
Sensuality is attractive. The reason people get ostracized for being sensual creatures is not because it isn't alluring. There are a million other reasons for the bad rap it gets. In some cases it might have something to do with competitiveness and jealousy. Sometimes the idea of a sensual person makes people think of promiscuous meatheads without any self control. But real sensuality is nothing more than melting into the flux of nature. It just happens to be visible in body language and behavior. And it's attractive because everything in the Universe has some shameless degree of it. We're all subconsciously driven to possess it. We need to retain sensuality in order to maintain creation; on many levels. There are more obvious levels of creation, like having children. There is also a higher level of creation, such as the arts.
The most beautiful people I've met are those who are the most comfortable in their own skin. Those with a relaxed and more content sense of self, who practice genuinely charitable compassion are the most attractive people, and they usually end up getting most of what they really need in life. In a world full of excessive greed & soul-sucking, shock culture television, these more balanced people shine like the sun. I find myself going out of my way to accommodate people like that. And so does everybody else.
There are endless physical benefits of being a more sensual person. It literally slows down the aging process. When I was taking Phlebotomy, I spent a lot of time studying the complexities of aging and hormonal influence. One of the main antagonists of aging was what was going on in the pituitary gland- and lo and behold, its sex hormones.
Pay attention to the major difference between sensuality and sex. Sex is the physical, active goal of sensuality, and sensuality is expression & pleasure; the driving force behind these actions. We can even achieve complete satisfaction from being in a state of sensuality alone, without actually engaging in the act of sex. (Some call it Tantra.) What is interesting about this is that the feelings we have in this regard will produce the hormones responsible for sustaining life and youth. We can put ourselves in a state of pleasure from fantasy or a conversation with someone we're attracted to. This sets the pituitary gland into motion, generating a delicious cocktail of those healthy hormones. If and when we ever decide to stop paying attention to these feelings, or repress our fantasies, a funny thing happens. The pituitary goes, "Oh, we're not reproducing anymore.. Let's kick up the aging process now." And that is exactly what happens.
Testosterone and Estrogen is produced a lot less frequently. We start gaining weight, getting tired, losing our hair quicker, and our skin loses its elasticity. Our cells are racing to die. While we might have brains full of experience and information, we've opted out of life. We can't live without our bodies, and our bodies need different stimuli. Have you ever seen brains walking around without their bodies, functioning and talking about how great it is that we've finally achieved moral competence? Our mentality can evolve faster than our bodies because thought is so quick. We can make the mistake of dismissing the power of sensuality as something unimportant and in the category of physical. Our society seems to demonize the physical. But sensuality is that one crazy thing that falls into both physical and mental categories. And sustaining a state of balance and good health means embracing it, regardless of how embarrassed some might feel about the idea due to years of brainwashing.
If you've ever wondered how people in the room with you are feeling, take a quick look at yourself. We all bounce and reflect off one another. We're sensitive to voice tones, pheromones, anxiety coming from others, and more. Our ideas of being separate bodies are illusions. We see functioning entities walking around, contained in a skin shell. But this isn't how it works. Those pheromones, sound waves and other energies are moving freely through that skin and into everyone present. If you want people around you to be at ease, then put them there by being the first one to actively relax. If you're good at it and you're putting off enough of that energy, you will control the room.
This is why you actually draw towards you the same energy you put out. It isn't new age karma, or whatever. It's a chemical reaction, and it's real. The only time it doesn't work is when someone you're dealing with is so mentally unbalanced that they cannot be reeled back in easily. The way to bring pleasure into our lives is to look inside and work on our own fears and feelings. Pleasure doesn't pop out of thin air. It doesn't come from other people. It comes from our hearts and that funky thing called sensuality I keep talking about, and we have to create it. One cannot create pleasure while drowning in the snake oil we've been sold by an over-extended, prudish society that's so scared of getting hypothetically raped it can't naturally function anymore.
We don't have to reach for the stars. We are the stars. We've just come to a stage where most of us believe the pursuit of pleasure and happiness is irresponsible, or that it's something we can't have unless we follow someone else's rules. Our ideas of what brings us satisfaction is based on the perversions of a society that's missing what's right in front of its face. We're bonded by sensuality, and it's the most natural, sustainable thing we have. It is a hypnotically dazzling force that is too big for us to fully understand, for it is creation. We wouldn't be here without it. We can use it to our advantage. We're playing with the strongest force imaginable; pure creative energy. Yes, it feels sexual and it feels good, so we'll be inclined to use it. But this doesn't mean we have to disrespect boundaries and take advantage of people. When are we going to finally understand the idea that being sensual creatures isn't the same thing as being trashy and tacky?
Sensuality is very attractive, and I wait for the day when society stops showing contempt towards those who embrace it within themselves.
It's possible to process life on a much deeper level, and to gain the ability to do and understand more about its mysteries. Every book, study and story has been written by a human being, and if one can do it, so can another. Every epiphany, every philosophy, and every bit of recorded knowledge- we did it, and we did it out of inspiration. You are no less than every single man who discovered physics, or those who bothered to write down the doctrines of every therapeutic idea or religion that exists. We have the ability to take anything to the next level whenever we want to. Instead of relying on someone else's perception of how you're supposed to behave, why not look at at the Universe around you and listen to the answers it has always been trying to give you?
Now take one step forward to how are compounds are formed. The highly volatile sodium, for example, is present in dying stars and even sometimes used a a "tracer" to study them. It falls to earth, eventually seeping into the ground and everything else. Sodium possesses an extra electron on its body which results in a huge explosion whenever it hits water. Chlorine, also unstable due to its lack of an electron, is bouncing around from element to element, looking for stability. It can combine with many, but wants just that one. When these two molecules find each other and connect, an extraordinary thing happens. Their opposite charges attract and form the magic of salt, completely balancing each other and calming down volatile and poisonous actions.
This is happening on every level of the Universe and within our bodies as we breathe. We are living, walking copies of a constant dance to regenerate and decay. We move colossal volumes of energy with every thought we burn, generating an erotic flow of perpetual constitution. This impulse is a sensual affair with creation. It is the most powerful force that exists. Sensuality is an energy that imitates the creative forces of our Universe, yet we seem to do everything we can to find fault in it.
The general consensus in dealing with sensuality is to slut shame women, or to emasculate men for being sensitive to these instincts and connected to the galaxy. We cannot stand to see anyone embracing their sexual nature, or defying the tradition to remain stoic and constantly focused on work and production. This works to separate us from each other and from our natural world to an unhealthy extent. This confusion stemming from a need to control each other creates chaos, and we become the ones bouncing around, searching desperately for that missing electron. There are over 4,000 religions in the world, each one sporting its own rule book for how and when and why we should feel anything in regards to each other. Moral standards, created by man and relentlessly changing with our ongoing society, demand we follow blueprints that don't even make sense before everyone decides to believe in them in an attempt to escape punishment. Trying to control people's emotions and natural feelings is a losing battle. (And I'm not talking about the act of sex; I'm speaking of feelings, which are not actions.) Shaming and guilt-based manipulation drives true feelings & honesty so far down inside they eventually blow up in some unstable way and cause the damage we're all afraid of. You cannot contain one of the oldest and most magnificent forces that exists. It lives for a reason. We are literally trying to organize the chaos of something too big for us to even comprehend, simply out of some fear based in society's norms. We're fighting against what's natural, and making up our own version of reality. I feel a strong sense of sadness when witnessing abuse that surrounds this limited logic. It looks like a mass obsession. And there is so much more to the world and to life than an obsession.
There is so much wrong with the idea that choosing to live pleasurably is irresponsible. By living pleasurably, I mean allowing ourselves more time for relaxation and recreation than we currently do. I mean allowing ourselves to love our world. Most of us feel guilty for not keeping ourselves productively busy from morning 'til night. We've developed a life for ourselves that produces the highest and most unnecessary levels of stress there can be. It's killing us, and not even that slowly anymore.
There is the idea that we could very well be killing ourselves off as we mentally evolve, since it happens much faster than our physical evolution. We're stubborn and so focused on deciding what's morally acceptable and not so, and we have a tendency to blow it out of proportion. So, what happens when we worry?
There is a bigger chance that you develop anxiety from environmental situations than from hereditary sources. It's rare that anyone is born with anxiety. We develop stress from our surroundings, and that then influences genetics. Cognitive structuring is the way the brain develops over time. Reactions to our environment is recorded in the brain, telling us what to fear. Those fears can eventually be triggered, causing anxiety.
Anxiety is, most simply explained, adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. And practicing a behavior over a period of time becomes automatic. With every thought, we're restructuring our own neural pathways and setting off chemicals. You are the controller of your own reactions to life in this regard. The reasons for the release of these three hormones are very important. Norepinephrine is discharged when we feel arousal of any type. This makes us more alert. Adrenaline is the action, and is usually referred to as the fight or flight hormone. Cortisol is then released to maintain homeostasis. In a perfect world, this works beautifully. But we live in a world that demands more from us than these hormones can systematically handle. And we're the ones who built it.
An overproduction of adrenaline is rare, but the consistency in which we produce these hormones together on a daily basis is what's killing us. We do it too often in order to counteract our society's pressures. This causes most ailments, like obesity, high blood pressure, mood swings, and dehydration. It throws the balance of our bodies off course and sets up a foundation for disease later. This is a major reason why we need to re-evaluate our lifestyles and our need to work constantly.
There is no concrete solution to this, but we can shift our lifestyles just enough to bring ourselves back into balance. And one of those ways is to stop trying to separate ourselves from the Universe and sensuality. Of course, that sounds hokey, because in addition to shaming each other for embracing our sensuality, we've also decided it's ridiculous for anyone to experiment with the idea of a more connective relationship with the natural world. A lot of us have categorized the terms used to explain this under the division of Bullshit. Think about these words; spiritual, new age, Universe, attunement, and cosmic consciousness. We tend to associate them with feeble and airheaded, naïve characters who are too doped up to make any sense. It's a shame, because experimental musing and contemplation is what makes us change and progress. You can't have a functional, tangible new idea without that first chaotic seed. There is no need to ridicule anyone for being brave enough to explore the sustainment of their own happiness.
Once we've begun to wrap our heads around this radical idea, it naturally follows to become more sensitive to our cosmic surroundings. It is possible to revisit the abilities we once had years ago; to be more conscious of the language of pheromones, quicker to understand more subtle actions, and able to instinctively hunt down what we desire. At this level, there comes a more real connection to the natural, quite real, world. And here it gets just a little more seductive.
Who has an easier time of getting what they want and need in life? Those with money? Not necessarily. It's been clearly proven that those who are attractive have an easier go at it all. Let me explain my idea of attractive in this regard.
While physical symmetry and good looks absolutely do play a big part in attraction, the lack of those things can be made up with other devices. People gravitate towards people they want to be like. If you display a sense of proportionate confidence, skill and compassion, you will draw in the loyal affection of others. When you top that off with a strong and healthy dose of sensuality, you have the power to knock it out of the park.
Sensuality is attractive. The reason people get ostracized for being sensual creatures is not because it isn't alluring. There are a million other reasons for the bad rap it gets. In some cases it might have something to do with competitiveness and jealousy. Sometimes the idea of a sensual person makes people think of promiscuous meatheads without any self control. But real sensuality is nothing more than melting into the flux of nature. It just happens to be visible in body language and behavior. And it's attractive because everything in the Universe has some shameless degree of it. We're all subconsciously driven to possess it. We need to retain sensuality in order to maintain creation; on many levels. There are more obvious levels of creation, like having children. There is also a higher level of creation, such as the arts.
The most beautiful people I've met are those who are the most comfortable in their own skin. Those with a relaxed and more content sense of self, who practice genuinely charitable compassion are the most attractive people, and they usually end up getting most of what they really need in life. In a world full of excessive greed & soul-sucking, shock culture television, these more balanced people shine like the sun. I find myself going out of my way to accommodate people like that. And so does everybody else.
There are endless physical benefits of being a more sensual person. It literally slows down the aging process. When I was taking Phlebotomy, I spent a lot of time studying the complexities of aging and hormonal influence. One of the main antagonists of aging was what was going on in the pituitary gland- and lo and behold, its sex hormones.
Pay attention to the major difference between sensuality and sex. Sex is the physical, active goal of sensuality, and sensuality is expression & pleasure; the driving force behind these actions. We can even achieve complete satisfaction from being in a state of sensuality alone, without actually engaging in the act of sex. (Some call it Tantra.) What is interesting about this is that the feelings we have in this regard will produce the hormones responsible for sustaining life and youth. We can put ourselves in a state of pleasure from fantasy or a conversation with someone we're attracted to. This sets the pituitary gland into motion, generating a delicious cocktail of those healthy hormones. If and when we ever decide to stop paying attention to these feelings, or repress our fantasies, a funny thing happens. The pituitary goes, "Oh, we're not reproducing anymore.. Let's kick up the aging process now." And that is exactly what happens.
Testosterone and Estrogen is produced a lot less frequently. We start gaining weight, getting tired, losing our hair quicker, and our skin loses its elasticity. Our cells are racing to die. While we might have brains full of experience and information, we've opted out of life. We can't live without our bodies, and our bodies need different stimuli. Have you ever seen brains walking around without their bodies, functioning and talking about how great it is that we've finally achieved moral competence? Our mentality can evolve faster than our bodies because thought is so quick. We can make the mistake of dismissing the power of sensuality as something unimportant and in the category of physical. Our society seems to demonize the physical. But sensuality is that one crazy thing that falls into both physical and mental categories. And sustaining a state of balance and good health means embracing it, regardless of how embarrassed some might feel about the idea due to years of brainwashing.
If you've ever wondered how people in the room with you are feeling, take a quick look at yourself. We all bounce and reflect off one another. We're sensitive to voice tones, pheromones, anxiety coming from others, and more. Our ideas of being separate bodies are illusions. We see functioning entities walking around, contained in a skin shell. But this isn't how it works. Those pheromones, sound waves and other energies are moving freely through that skin and into everyone present. If you want people around you to be at ease, then put them there by being the first one to actively relax. If you're good at it and you're putting off enough of that energy, you will control the room.
This is why you actually draw towards you the same energy you put out. It isn't new age karma, or whatever. It's a chemical reaction, and it's real. The only time it doesn't work is when someone you're dealing with is so mentally unbalanced that they cannot be reeled back in easily. The way to bring pleasure into our lives is to look inside and work on our own fears and feelings. Pleasure doesn't pop out of thin air. It doesn't come from other people. It comes from our hearts and that funky thing called sensuality I keep talking about, and we have to create it. One cannot create pleasure while drowning in the snake oil we've been sold by an over-extended, prudish society that's so scared of getting hypothetically raped it can't naturally function anymore.
We don't have to reach for the stars. We are the stars. We've just come to a stage where most of us believe the pursuit of pleasure and happiness is irresponsible, or that it's something we can't have unless we follow someone else's rules. Our ideas of what brings us satisfaction is based on the perversions of a society that's missing what's right in front of its face. We're bonded by sensuality, and it's the most natural, sustainable thing we have. It is a hypnotically dazzling force that is too big for us to fully understand, for it is creation. We wouldn't be here without it. We can use it to our advantage. We're playing with the strongest force imaginable; pure creative energy. Yes, it feels sexual and it feels good, so we'll be inclined to use it. But this doesn't mean we have to disrespect boundaries and take advantage of people. When are we going to finally understand the idea that being sensual creatures isn't the same thing as being trashy and tacky?
Sensuality is very attractive, and I wait for the day when society stops showing contempt towards those who embrace it within themselves.
It's possible to process life on a much deeper level, and to gain the ability to do and understand more about its mysteries. Every book, study and story has been written by a human being, and if one can do it, so can another. Every epiphany, every philosophy, and every bit of recorded knowledge- we did it, and we did it out of inspiration. You are no less than every single man who discovered physics, or those who bothered to write down the doctrines of every therapeutic idea or religion that exists. We have the ability to take anything to the next level whenever we want to. Instead of relying on someone else's perception of how you're supposed to behave, why not look at at the Universe around you and listen to the answers it has always been trying to give you?
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